Why and what is REVO for ?, Interests, goals, working…

Revo Prosperidad Sostenible’s (revo Sustainable Prosperity) members are interested in the debate and reflection on the economic/financial model and its consequences on equality, sustainability and well-being.

We are worried about the local and global situation: the data on debt, unemployment, precariousness, the risk of social exclusion and, ultimately, the increase in social inequality.

We are worried about the environmental imbalance and the climate change that our economic model is causing.

We observe how our civilization lives a continuous contradiction between the promotion of an indefinite growth and the failed attempt to stop the impact that this economic growth itself generates on the planet.

We realize that, the radical and urgent changes in production systems and consumption of materials and energy that could minimize the climate and environmental crisis we are experiencing, have not been taken into consideration in the political agenda.

Revo Prosperidad Sostenible aims to build proposals and consensus, and to influence society and politics in order to make possible an alternative economic, social and ecological model that provides solutions
to social inequality while guaranteeing the preservation of the planet. To this end, we study, debate, promote debate, and put forward alternative proposals to the current economic model with an integrated, social and ecological perspective.

The goal of revo Prosperidad Sostenible is to contribute to finding alternatives to the current economic model, promoting the following objectives:

Main working lines currently: Wellbeing Economy/ Energy/Mobility Climate change / Carbon taxation Work / Basic Income Monetary / Financial System